About Us

We are an e-learning company focused on professional exams.

Seeing that there are not a lot of centralized resources available for people to prepare for this exam online, we came up with this website to help people prepare for the Series 34 exam.

The site contains hundreds of handcrafted questions with detailed explanation in order to help people understand and remember the material of the exam more easily and quickly.

Practice makes perfect. We wish you pass the exam just by sparing some time on PassSeries34.com every day, and going through a couple of questions each time!

Pass Series 34!

About Series 34 Exams

With the new licensing requirement from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), people who are Principals or Associated Persons of a Forex CTA, Forex CPO or Forex Introducing Broker will need to register with the CFTC and pass the Series 34 exam.

Exam Topics
A. Definitions and Terminology (10 questions)
B. Forex Trading Calculations (8 questions)
C. Risk Associated with Forex Trading (4 questions)
D. Forex Market – Concepts, Theories, Economic Factors and Indicators, Participants (10 questions)
E. Forex Regulatory Requirements (8 questions)

Official Study Outline of this exam can be found on the NFA site

Format of the Exam
Number of Questions: 40 (True or False and Multiple Choice)
Time: 1 Hour
Passing Score: 70% (i.e. 28 questions right)

Remember to bring a calculator to the exam. You will need it!